Business name registration now only takes 15 minutes
Published by Enes under Business, minutes, registration, takes on 7:10 PMFrom the usual two days processing time, the amount of time spent in registering a business name has been cut to only 15 minutes because of the enhanced Electronic Business Name Registration System (eBNRS).
Trade Secretary Gregorio Domingo said, “The entire transaction will only take around 15 minutes. The actual processing takes only three minutes and the waiting time usually takes 10 minutes. So it’s really the waiting that makes the transaction time long, but still it’s only 15 minutes.”
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) conducted a random time-and-motion study in different parts of the country. In their study, Metro Manila averaged 278 business name applications in a day with a total processing time placed at 14.35 minutes. In areas where there were fewer applications, the average transaction time were even shorter, ranging from 5 to 12 minutes.
Aside from the faster registration of business name, the eBNRS allows the registration of the all the branches of a company in just one sitting, and the registration of a business in a different locality in the DTI office nearest the business owner. “The new system gives businessmen less hassle in doing business in the country. Our aim in automation is to lessen people handling the process and allow technology to hasten transaction. In a way it makes government transaction transparent and prevents corruption in the workplace,” Domingo said.
The system will also be made available online, according to the secretary. Aside from the eBNRS, Domingo said that the DTI is also working on the Philippine Business Registry (PBR), which is a one-stop shop for businesses that want to get mayor’s permit, and registration and licenses from the DTI, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and other agencies. The system will also be made available for the application of Pag-Ibig, Social Security System (SSS), and Philhealth benefits.
“Business won’t have to go to each of the agencies in order to register. It’s still under development because we don’t want any glitches to happen once we launch it. We’re hoping to finish this before the end of the year,” Doming said.
This is really a good motivation for entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs.
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